When I was only a teenager I made a viral game that spread all over the internet called Draw-Play. It was a simple yet powerful concept. All you had to do was draw the ground yourself that the player could walk on. It was the first ever of that genre.
When I was coding, I was experimenting with 2 simple concepts. I had my usual platformer code that a player could run and jump on platforms. Then separately I just made a simple bitmap drawing code that could write on the screen. One day when I was in high school I thought wait a minute, what if I combined the two? surely that won't work?....
I'd like to pretend I was a coding mastermind here. Yet all it took was 2 seperate pieces of code I combined. I changed the drawing lines into it's own movieclip and grouped this as one entire object called "Ground" I then made sure my platform code could interact with anything named "Ground" and made it account for slopes by always pushing it up. Then when I hit player I was like, no way... this is awesome! you can draw anything for him to jump on! no longer did I need to put platforms where I wanted them, instead the player could now do their own.
After its success and the game going viral I decided to set to work on some sequels. Number 2 wasn't received too well because it was basically an extension of the first and introduced an "ink limit" which people did not like at all. Woops, lesson learned!
So I began work on the 3rd and this is where it hit it's best yet. I was able to incorporate destructible bitmap now by improving the code. This new feature meant I could expand the levels in twofold. I was able to let the player erase ground and I could make enemies and level objects that would rip through the ground like fire, missiles and my personal favourite - lasers.
On the main menu of Draw-Play 3 if you press the edge of a square to the right of the word key. You will be taken to a level with the twin towers being erased by planes. Tasteless joke? sure. But hey, gotta keep the players surprised right?
At a certain point in a game developers life, you get to a point where you make something and cringe at yourself. Why did I make this? I don't know. Why does this exist? I don't know. Should it exist?.....Good question. All I know is I may have made the most pointless unlockable in the history of gaming itself. Why? BECAUSE I CAN THAT'S WHY AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME! MWAHAHA
In the end I gotta say, I am proud of this trilogy and one day I may bring it to a new home on a new system. For now I can honestly say I completed everything I set out to do with the idea and I am proud of that.
Also some people may be wondering what actually IS the Draw-Play character?....
Well some mysteries are just best left unsolved I'm afraid ;)